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Postdoctoral Associate

Christopher Kibler

University of California, Santa Barbara


Mechanisms of Forest Resilience, Projecting Forests & Fire

Christopher Kibler
Christopher Kibler

Dr. Christopher Kibler is a postdoctoral scholar in the Trugman Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research uses process-based modeling to examine how the interaction between wildfires and drought stress will affect the long-term regeneration of forests in the western United States. By synthesizing model simulations with field measurements and remote sensing observations, his research will reveal the critical climatic thresholds that could result in the widespread loss of western forests under future climate scenarios.

Dr. Kibler received his master’s degree and Ph.D. in remote sensing from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His master’s research examined the post-first recovery of chaparral and conifer ecosystems in southern California. His doctoral research examined how sensitive riparian tree species respond to extreme drought stress. During his doctoral studies, he was selected as a Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science Technology. In a previous career, Dr. Kibler worked for the city government in Washington, DC, where he developed and enforced water pollution regulations.

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