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Postdoctoral Researcher

Johan Eckdahl

University of California, Berkeley


Mechanisms of Forest Resilience

Johan Eckdahl
Johan Eckdahl

Johan is a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley studying post-fire recovery in western U.S. forests. His work focuses on both plant-soil and land-atmosphere interactions, with an emphasis on:

1. Understanding how microbial communities mediate climate-driven changes in forest biogeochemistry and vegetation recovery after fire

2. Conducting FACE experiments to explore the role of atmospheric CO₂ fertilization in mitigating burn-induced forest transitions under climate change.

Johan has worked extensively with biogeochemical cycling in higher-latitude systems at both Umeå and Lund University, where he remains an affiliate researcher on several boreal wildfire projects. He also has experience working with large collaborations, such as CERN and MAX IV, gaining proficiency in robotic automation and detector construction for experiments ranging from protein crystallography to dark matter searches. Johan is also a hobby photographer and seeks to apply his technical and creative skills to environmental research and outreach.

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